Claudia Andujar Brésilienne , 1931
Hahnemühle Photo Rag Baryta 315 gr
39 37/100 x 26 11/50 x 1 9/50 in
"The conception of the 'Yanomami Dreams' series is linked to the visions of the Yanomami shamans. It is an encounter with the supernatural, the shamanic journeys achieved during rituals. The power of the spirits of nature and the hallucinogen 'yakoana' that they inhale strengthens these visions, which aim to heal the sick and bring balance between body and mind through the interpretations that Yanomami shamans make from the stories of the images that the Indigenous people see during their trances. The series was an attempt to make a poetic approximation with these images, a work of layering the self with elements of nature. I consider the 'Yanomami Dreams' series a turning point in my experience with the Yanomami. From that moment, I was able to conceive a visual interpretation of the rituals that gave me access to the genealogy of the people, agglutinating aspects of the culture, dissolving the boundaries between human beings, gods, and nature to integrate them permanently." Claudia Andujar
Galeria Vermelho - São Paulo/ BrésilExposições
Coleção Itaú de Fotografia Brasileira - Paço Imperial: Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. 2012.
- Eloge du vertige: photographies de la Collection Itaú; Maison Européenne de la Photographie; Paris, França/ France; 2012.
Autour de l´extrême: um choix dans les collections de la MEP; Maison Europeene de La Photographie; Ville de Paris; Paris, França/ France; 2010.
Arte Pará 2010; Museu do Estado do Pará; Belém, Brasil/ Brazil; 2010.
Ulsan International Photography Festival; Ulsan, Coréia do Sul/ south Korea; 2009.
Arte contemporânea: aquisições recentes do acervo da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo; Estação Pinacoteca; São Paulo, Brasil/ Brazil; 2008.
Malencontro, Encontro, Sonhos; 5ª Bienal Internacional; Centro Cultural; Liège, Bélgica/ Belgium; 2006.
Exposição da coleção permanente da Fundação
Cartier em Paris; Museu de Arte Contemporânea; Tókio, Japão/ Japan; 2006.
Vulnerabilidade do Ser; Pinacoteca do Estado; São Paulo, Brasil/ Brazil; 2005.
Tomie Ohtake na Trama Espiritu catálogo Ulsan International Photography Festival. Ulsan. Coréia do Sul. 2009
catálogo Yanomami: L´Esprit de la Forêt; pag. 56 e 57
catálogo Tomie Ohtake na Trama Espiritual da Arte Brasileira; Instituto Tomie Ohtake; São Paulo
A Vulnerabilidade do Ser; ed. Cosc & Naify; São Paulo; Brasil; 2005
Mapas Abiertos; Fotografia Latinoamericana; Espanha; 2004
catálogo Éloge du Vertige. Photographies de la Collection Itaú, Brésil. São Paulo, 2012.
MONASCHI, Orlando e MOKARSEL Marisa. FORA DO CENTRO, DENTRO DA AMAZÔNIA in Amazônia: ciclos de Modernidade - São Paulo: Zureta, 2012. pg 133-144 [catalogo].
METSAVAHT. Oskar. MODO DE VER, USAR E AGIR. Wish Report, Nr 56, pg 29.
MAZZA Joana. CRUZANDO FRONTEIRAS - CLAUDIA ANDUJAR. Atelier Oriente, Ag-2018 (web)
LICHTERBECK Phillip. Fotografin Claudia Andujar im Porträt Zwischen den Welten. Der T
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