Sergio Rodrigues Brésil, 1927-2014
79 53/100 x 39 19/25 x 31 89/100 in
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Comme à son habitude, Sergio Rodrigues compense cet aspect presque brutaliste par la finesse de son choix des matériaux, un bois massif aux tons chaleureux et profonds qui souligne l'aspect solidement ancré sur terre du dessin, ainsi qui par les finitions délicatement courbées qui ajoute une délicatesse et un tact singulier.
Sensualité et solidité, signé Sergio Rodrigues !
The "Ilidio" model created in 1965 by Sergio Rodrigues. This table presents itself as a summary of the style of Sergio Rodrigues, who made him "the most Brazilian designer". It is based on a deliberately simple structure, composed of four square section and cross-section feet, all made of solid wood of Brazilian exotic essence. This table symbolizes the stability, robustness and elegance of the functionality going directly to the essentials, i.e. the strong concepts usually defended by the designer.
As usual, Sergio Rodrigues compensates for this almost brutalist aspect with the finesse of his choice of materials, a solid wood with warm and deep tones that emphasizes the solidly anchored appearance of the drawing, as well as by the delicately curved finishes that adds a singular delicacy and tact.
Sensuality and solidity, signed Sergio Rodrigues!